Never Ever Give Up Hope

For most of us, our lives move forward with work commitments, aspirations for our careers, and quality time with family and friends. We tuck in exercise, vacations, and reunions. Our lives are rich with activity and purpose.

And then, for some of us, our lives change overnight, after receiving a life-changing diagnosis for a loved one or for ourselves. Facing a sudden, new way of life imposed upon us is daunting. Suddenly, we’re experiencing waves of uncertainty, trails of losses, and for some, tsunamis of grief.

After my thirteen-year-old daughter Elizabeth’s sudden diagnosis of a life-threatening condition and after my own cancer diagnosis many years later, I know the BEFORE and AFTER syndrome. And after years of struggling following my daughter’s death, and my recovery I’ve learned many life lessons:

·       we can never know what the next day will bring;

·       changes, even life-altering changes are part of the tapestry of life;

·       thoughtfully choosing how we want to live our lives is imperative;

·       we will experience loss, even for some of us, loss that you thought you couldn’t survive;

·       but, within each of us is an inner strength waiting to be borne out of our suffering;

·       we can rebuild our lives and discover new meaning.

One day in our own ways, we will recognize that our lives will be tempered by loss but will also be rich in meaning and focused in purpose. Never ever give up this hope.

Faith WilcoxComment