The Blessings of Friendships

Blessings occur in many places. At different times and locals. In times of joy and in times of sorrow. On paths of renewal. On paths of despair. True friends walk along all of these trails and even if they do not know what to say or how to help, you know they are there. Standing by when you are living in shadows, hugging you when you are crying, offering a visit, planning a walk. With an innate sense of when to listen, when to ask more, when to offer guidance, and when to be quietly present. Comforting, nourishing, understanding, accepting. Recognizing strengths, hopes and dreams, and understanding of frailties, doubts, and nightmares.

Over the years, I have been blessed with truly remarkable friendships. Women with whom I’ve celebrated life, marriages, and births. Spirits of generosity who offer the best of themselves in every circumstance. I thank them in small ways like making them homemade scones and in larger ways by actively listening when they need to unburden a troubling issue in their lives. And we celebrate our friendships with weekends away together or simply by enjoying a dinner together.

Who are the friends who have made an undeniable difference in your lives? How do you celebrate your friendships with them?

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